Beating the Odds, Surviving Ebola

Caitlin Ryan/MSF

The largest outbreak of Ebola ever recorded has claimed 2,811 lives since it was officially declared on March 22. MSF staff working at Ebola projects in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are stretched to capacity, and in some places they are having to turn away sick patients. After repeated calls to the international community for assistance, some countries have started committing assets and personnel. To date, however, too little action has taken place on the ground. People continue to suffer from and spread the disease.

Still, some patients, like those pictured here, have beaten the odds and survived, showing what can be possible with timely care.

Angel and Patricia before they learned that they were both negative and could leave ELWA 3, MSF’s Ebola Management centre in Monrovia. Angel’s mother died of Ebola in ELWA 3 and Patricia, who was in the bed next to Angel’s mother began to care for her. They were discharged together and Patricia is now looking after little Angel at home.
Caitlin Ryan/MSF
Christine Freeman, a 75 year old woman raises her arms in triumph are having been told that she is now free from Ebola and will shortly be discharged.
Caitlin Ryan/MSF
Patrick Poopel, 6, holds his certificate that he is Ebola free. Patrick and his father were both discharged today from ELWA 3 - the Ebola Case Management Center run by MSF.
Morgana Wingard
Mamadee, 11, was admitted to MSF's Ebola management centre in Foya, Liberia on 15 August 2014. He tested positive for Ebola, but recovered, and was discharged on 4 September 2014.
Martin Zinggl/MSF
Sianneh, the 100th patient to recover from Ebola at ELWA 3, MSF’s Ebola Management Centre in Monrovia, Liberia calls her mother to tell her that she is free of the virus and will be coming home.
Caitlin Ryan/MSF
Sianneh, the 100th patient to recover from Ebola at ELWA 3, MSF’s Ebola Management Centre in Monrovia, Liberia sings, dances and praises god for her recovery.
Caitlin Ryan/MSF
A young patient poses for the camera at ELWA 3, MSF’s Ebola Management Centre in Monrovia, Liberia. She will be discharged later that day, free of Ebola and ready to return to her family.
Caitlin Ryan/MSF
Deddeh has recovered from Ebola and celebrates her joy. Out of solidarity she decides to stay in the Ebola confirmed area to take care of Elijah, a young boy (3 months) who has lost his mother to Ebola and has been infected himself.
Martin Zinggl/MSF