MSF calls for protection of civilians amid Turkish military intervention in northeastern Syria

Al Hol camp, Al Hassakeh Governorate

Syria 2019 © MSF

The international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) released the following statement today:

"MSF teams in northeastern Syria remain ready to provide medical care after the Turkish military launched operations. Our teams in Tal Abyad are preparing for a potential increase of patients linked to the conflict while our teams in Ain Al Arab (Kobane), Ain Issa, Al-Malikiyah (Derek), Raqqa, and Tal Tamer stand by and are ready to provide assistance in case of need.

"We have seen people being displaced from locations along the border due to the conflict and are extremely worried that the military intervention will threaten the safety and wellbeing of the Syrian people.

"MSF calls for restraint and respect for international humanitarian law to ensure the protection of the civilian population, hospitals, ambulances, and medical personnel as well as humanitarian workers."